Transactions - Discount Transactions - CAS

Transactions - Discount Transactions - CAS


This report provides information about items that were discounted on an item level. Use it to monitor the percentage of items that are sold at a discount and the discount codes that were used. The Discount report also displays total discount amounts.

Handy Hint

Check the Discounted Sales amount against Cost of Good Sold to make sure discounts are not costing you money. Review your discount ratios at similar type stores to see if an unusual discount activity is occurring, you can do this by running the report and consolidating by venue or store. The breakdown of the total discounts on the periodic sales is in this report.


User provides criteria and generates a discount summary report. User specifies the report by the venue, store, group, or register, and then provides details such as department, size, consolidation by enterprise, venue, or store, and provides the dates between which the sales are to be reported. The user then can generate the report or download the CSV file. The user can generate a report that provides the venue, store, discount, the SKUs, and the unit descriptions, units sold, retail price, retail sales, item cost, total discount on unit, units at the discount code, discounted retail sales, and the discounted cost of each item.

Venue/ Store- the location in which you would like to generate the report from

Discount- The Name of the discount

UPC- the UPC of the item sold with the discount

Description- Name of the item sold

Units Sold- the total number of units sold of the item during the reporting period (includes all items, not just discounted items)

Retail Price- retail price of the item

Retail Sales- number of sales of the item times prices, less returns

Disc Amt- dollar amount of discount applied

Item Cost- cost as per POStransactionitemdetail table

Total Disc. Unit- number of units of this item sold with a discount (includes all discount codes)

Units at Disc Code- number of units of this item sold with the specific discount (less refunds)

Discounted Retail Sales- discounted sales amount of the item.

Discounted Cost- cost of the item with the discount.

NOTE: This report utilizes a large amount of memory and can slow your system for other functions while running the report. It is recommended that this report be run in off business hours to minimize the impact.

Limitation: The report does not include manual refund import sales.


Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers may view discount transactions report at Venues or Store assigned to them.

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