Audit Report

Audit Report

The Audit Report is used to provide details of all transactions using Serialization that were modified

The user has the option of generating the report for all transactions or selecting the specific transaction to report the data regarding.

The report shows the following:

Serial number: This is the serial number that has a transaction occur regarding it

Register ID: this identifies which register the transaction took place that involved a serialized item

User ID: This is the User ID for the employee that performed the transaction involving a serialized item

Item ID: This is  the Item ID associated with the serialized item on the transaction

Transaction Date: Date of the transaction

Transaction Type: This indicates which type of transaction was performed (Receiving, adjustment, transfer, sale, or refund)

Note: Displayed notes provided when the modification was made

Modified Date: Date that the modification was made to the transaction

Modified by: Employee that modified the transaction 

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