


In general, the logging features include appropriate debugging information such as time of event, initiating process or owner of process, and a detailed description of the event.

There the six levels of logs:
Trace: Everything
Debug: Troubleshooting
Info: informational (working production)
Warning: Issues that could cause problems or turn into an error in the future
Error: Action couldn't be completed due to missing dependence
Fatal: Application stops functioning

POS Logs:

jms log:

Records events and errors in jms processing, any JMS related activity will be logged to this file

jmserror log:

Records all errors reported to a user, including master table synchronization errors.

jmsfailedqry log:

When the application runs because of user action like doing a transactions /updating settings internally in the code either insert/update statements will get executed but if for some reason these statements fail to run on local POS database (if these statements had successfully executed then the same sql statements would be posted to CAS via jms)If they failed to execute on local pos database they will be logged as jmsfailedqry.

pos log:

All general application events will be logged to pos.log file, such as transaction processing, report processing, management, and configuration events and errors.

track log:

The SQL statements which execute in the application will be logged to track.log

CAS Logs

casRMG Log:

Debug log. All general application events will be logged to casRMG.log file. This was formerly known as the cas.log

jms Log:

Any JMS related activity will be logged to this file

jmserr Log:

Errors will be logged to jmserror.log.

tracking Log:

All database interaction

server Log:

Communication between server and client