How to disable Java Automatic Update

How to disable Java Automatic Update

Sometimes when Java receives a major update, it can break things on your PC. Therefore it is a good idea to disable the automatic updater within Java.

Step-by-step guide

Windows 7:

  1. Click on “Windows” button and search for “Java” by simply typing it on the search bar. You”ll see various results related to java, click on “Java (32-bit)”, so as to open the java control panel.
  2. The Java Control Panel window will now open. Click on “Update” tab at the top, and you will find that “Check for Updates Automatically” option is checked. By default, the check for update is “ON”.
  3. Uncheck on “Check for Updates Automatically”. As soon as, you will uncheck it, a warning dialog box appears, click on “Do not Check”, topermanently disable the java update notification.


Windows 8/10:

  1. Open Control Panel from the Windows Charms Menu.
  2. Click Java from the Control Panel.
  3. In the Java Control Panel, navigate to the Update tab and then uncheck the option “Check for Updates Automatically”. This will display a Java Update Warning. Click the “Do Not Check” button.
  4. Click Apply and then Ok in the Java Control Panel Dialog.


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