Purchase Orders - Back Order Report - CAS

Purchase Orders - Back Order Report - CAS


Provides reports for inventory reordering and back-orders, and purchase order status by item or vendor. Run this report for a list of partially received purchase orders or those that are pending (never received). If a partially received order will never be filled use the Purchase Order Tracking user interface to cancel or close them.


Item Description - Description of the item

PO number - Purchase Order (PO) number for the item

Vendor - The Vendor that sold the Item

Sent date - The date of when the PO was sent out

Due Date - The date the PO was to be closed at

Quantity Ordered - The amount that was ordered

Extend cost - the Unit cost multiplied by the quantity ordered

QOH - Quantity on hand

Sale in the last 30 days - How many of that unit were sold in the last 30 days.


Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers may view the Back Order Purchase report at venue(s) or store(s) assigned to them.