Multiple UPC Popup

Multiple UPC Popup

How to display multiple items when you ring up a UPC:


You have items that you want displayed with the different size options and the cashier to be able to select the size that is being sold.

Example: You sell Corona Beer as a Case, 6 pack, single bottle and you have created these sizes based on breaking up of cases of Corona that you purchased from Costco


Create the 3 items. Each with an unique item ID and the selling price for the quantities. Use the same UPC for all three items.

When the cashier rings up the UPC, all three item will display with the price so they can select item being sold. If you hover over the image, the item description is displayed

Additional Clarification:

You  can create multiple items, all with the same UPC.  When you scan the UPC, a pop up is displayed with all of the items which were created using the same UPC.

You can select as many of the items as you need to add to the sales cart, when you are done adding items press the "Green" check mark and you return to the sales cart. 

If your items have images attached it will display the image. If you hover over the item with your mouse, the item description will display in the screen. 

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