PC Charge Installation - Configuration Guide

PC Charge Installation - Configuration Guide

Installing PC Charge 

The PC Charge Payment Server is provided by your reseller, if your POS Hardware does not support a CD-ROM Drive, then please request the software in a Flash Disk (Memory Stick) Format.  To begin, double-click the "Setup.exe" File located within the Payment Server Folder, you will need to accept the agreements, etc. to finish the installation.  Please use the video below if you are unsure about anything.

PC Charge Configuration 

After your installation, your PC Charge will ask for a Serial Number or a Use Configuration Disk. In this Guide we will select Configuration Disk.  Extract the files into a blank folder, and your PC Charge will ask you to locate your Configuration Disk.  Once you have navigated to your Configuration Disk, click Open and now your PC Charge will read and install from the Configuration Disk.  Once completed, it will ask you to Create Credentials for Log on after restarting the software, you will need to double-click the PC Charge Icon on the desktop again.  You will now be prompted to enter in a System Password, go ahead and type the password you wish to use for your Credentials, as this is just a security pop up.  Once entered, PC Charge will require you to change your password again, please use secure and easy to remember passwords.  Once your System Password has been modified, you will need to create a user named Manager, and assign it a password which will later on be changed once Manager has been logged in.  Now log off and log back into PC Charge using the Manager Log in and modify the password for this account as well.  Please note the configuration Disk will be provided by your Reseller.  Use the video below if you are unsure about anything.

Inventrak Software

Now that your PC Charge is installed and configured; the last step left is to configure it to Inventrak.  Start by opening up your Inventrak Software and logging in with your Manager Rights.  Now go into configurations and select the PC Charge Tab, please be sure you have installed your Inventrak Software with the PC Charge Payment Gateway.  Now fill out the information needed, your PC Charge folder path by default should be C:\Programs Files\Active-Charge  - unless you have selected a different path on the first install.  The Merchant ID must be the same as it is in the PC Charge Configuration, or you may get errors on processing your transactions.  Now that you have installed and configured the PC Charge with Inventrak, you are ready to go, please be sure to do test transactions and check for Approval Codes before any major sales.

Configure list of Merchant Credit Card Processors