Cash Management Report - CAS

Cash Management Report - CAS


The Cash Management Report is a report used for viewing the cash flow in/out of the register by way of non-sales transactions. Examples of these would be open/close bank, Misc Cash transactions like lottery pay out or change pay in. Additionally, anything from the Cash Pickup function would appear here.

This report allows a user to review their cash activity. This is helpful in completing end of day/month reconciliations. Additionally this allows a user to identify and cause for concern on discrepancies.

Cash management report can be found on CAS by navigating to the following path:

Reports > Transactions > Cash Management Report

Once navigating to this page, the following page will display.

Let’s look at this page in sections.

The top portion give the user the ability to set the filters by which they wish to see results displayed. The user can choose a date range, transaction type, specific venue, store or register. The user can also filter by transaction type. Once the desired filters have been selected, the user may select the search button to generate their results.

Once the search option is selected, the desired results will be displayed below the filters. The user has the option to export/print these results in addition to viewing them. The user can select the desired export from the buttons displayed.

The options are CSV, PDF and PRINT.

Additionally, the user can select the number of entries which they desire to review. They can also search for specific details within the desired results by using the Search box located just below the export buttons. And finally, the user can sort the list of results by clicking on the headers which appear at the top of the results. Whichever header is chosen, the list of results can be sorted ascending or descending.

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