Item ID Listing

Item ID Listing


Item listing provides details of all items (Store, Packages, Prepaid, Service) found in the master items table. It shows items details that have been entered. Since this shows all items in the table it doesn't take into account inventory or for which location. It does show the item id, UPC, logical name, classifications, and attributes when applied. The logical names will report as opposed to the id. The Download CSV has also been expanded to show the extended classifications and attributes.

User who are looking for a list of the items and where they have been assigned can generate this report to review and decide either to modify items. It is a full report that can give you insight into what has been created so far and the paths for those items. New users who are using the mInventory App, master item, or import can run this report to see what has been added so far if there is any question as to where they left off.

When needing a editable version user can download the CSV file which can be opened in any spreadsheet reader or notepad. The CSV will include all data that is being reported.

Use this report to get the following information about your Items.

ItemID: ID name/number of the Item

UPC: UPC of the Item

Name: Name of the Item

Cost Price: Cost of the item

Selling Price: Price that item is being sold for

Deparment: Department of the Item

Category: Category of the item

Subcategory: Subcategory of the item

Style: Style of the Item

Color: Color of the ITem

Size: Size of the Item

Vendor: The vendor that supplies the Item

Season- Season of the item

Brand- Brand of the items

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