Cash Drawer will not Open

Cash Drawer will not Open


1) Verify Settings on the POS

Configuration>POS Settings>Cash Drawer - Enable the trigger to open>save


2) Does the drawer open when you press the Open Cash Drawer Button

Sales Transaction>....

If NO, Do you hear a click of the drawer trying to open - if you hear a click, it's locked or jammed


3) Verify Printer Properties

Check what Port you Printer was installed on (Printer Properties - ports)

Test if cash drawer opens directly from the Printer Driver (Printer Properties - Device Settings - Cash Drawer 1 set to Document Top - then apply - then go into General Tab and Print Test Page.)


4) Verify Cable connections

Check to see if the Cash Drawer cable is plugged into the Printer securely


5)  Verify that the Printer Hardware works

Is the Printer turned on (green light or other indication)

Is the Printer jammed (Feeding Paper) - if printer is jammed no receipt will print and cash drawer will not fire open

Is the Printer printing receipts


6) POS Hardware Setting (Configuration>Hardware)

Verify that the correct port is set for where you have the Printer plugged into

If Printer is Serial - Hardware settings should be set to LPT1

If Printer is USB - Hardware settings should be set to USB


7) Update your Java Library File

You may be missing 2 Java Library Files, that you can manually download and copy them to the proper location.  Download the 2 files below (without renaming them) and then copy them to the directory listed below.


      C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin (for 64 Bit Operating System)
      C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin (for 32 Bit Operating System) 







1) Verifiy Settings on TabPOS

Configure Printer to the correct settings


2) Does the drawer open when you press the Open Cash Drawer Button

Sales Transaction>....

If NO, Do you hear a click of the drawer trying to open - if you hear a click, it's locked or jammed


3) Verify Cable connections

Check to see if the Cash Drawer cable is plugged into the Printer securely


4)  Verify that the Printer Hardware works

Is the Printer turned on (green light or other indication)

Is the Printer jammed (Feeding Paper) - if printer is jammed no receipt will print and cash drawer will not fire open

Is the Printer printing receipts



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