Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings

The following functions are performed using the Configuration - Settings tab. These are important features that can be enables or modified from this screen. 

Payment Gateway - Modify or set up the payment gateway information

Back Up - Set up or modify the settings for backing up the POS data

Gift Cards - Enable

Automatic Coupon - Enable (This is only enabled from the POS, automatic coupon cannot be set up or enabled from CAS)

Cash Drawer - Enable or modify settings

Receipts - Modify receipt headers, footers, or promotional messages. As well as adding logos to the receipt or promotional message

Transactions - Settings are enables or disables such as Go Green, CRM Builder, ability to accept tax exempt sales transactions, and refund verification

Speed Keys - Set up or Modify speed keys to be used on the sales transaction screen

Company SettingsA simple way to modify default hierarchy names and info, enter store hours, employee names, emails, usernames and passwords, modify tax rate

Logs - Sends debugged Logs to a designated FTP site


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