CAS Release Notes 3.7.3

CAS Release Notes 3.7.3


Layaway - New Feature

Layaway is a popular feature during the holidays when customers want to get their larger purchases ahead of time and pay them off with payment plans instead of one lump sum. With our new Layaway feature merchants can offer this service to customers and perform essential layaway functions easily. When coupled with STS tracking, a merchant can maintain their layaway program seamlessly and always know the status and balances.


Add inventory from the master item screen - New Feature

With our newest feature a user can create and receive items into their inventory in one easy step and on the same item creation screen- Master Item

Paypal as payment option - New Feature

Customers sometimes forget to bring a credit card or their phone (dwolla) but no one forgets to bring an email address. Our system now can accept paypal as a payment type.

Item Import adding Quantity to store or warehouse - New Feature

When importing an item you can now select if you want the QOH to be imported into a store or a warehouse and what store/warehouse you want the items to be imported into thus eliminating the need to transfer the quantity from the warehouse to the correct store.

TSYS - New Feature

We welcome a new payment gateway  - TSYS.  

Item Creation from Size Brick on Master Item - New Feature

The system now allows for the creation of items with size brick in the master item screen. This new feature is based off the existing ability to create a group of items with a size brick in the purchase order screen but when using the master item screen you can modify and delete items from the size brick. Size bricks are used to create items that are similar to each other in almost all aspects with the exception of something like size.

Create and Modify employees remove mandatory fields - Enhancement

Mandatory fields have been removed from the second page of create/modify employees. These were previously required for time and attendance information to be accessible, but that has now been changed. Now minimal new employee data is required to enable to the clock in/out POS feature to be reflected on the employee reports.

Allow Negative Stock - New Feature

When selling certain items (user defined) if the stock for that item is negative the system will not allow that item to be sold.

Price book Modifications page 2 - Bug Fix

On the second page of price book (second page is used when creating a price book with more then 150 items) the save and modify buttons where not present so any modifications made to the second page could not be saved. This has been corrected. 

Manual Sales moved to Sales Tab - Enhancement

The manual sales function on the CAS has been moved to transactions > Sales. 

Typos - Bug Fix

Several typos have been corrected on CAS function titles for ease of recognizing the feature.