Release Notes CAS 3.7.4

Release Notes CAS 3.7.4

Reports - Easy Date Options

The six most commonly used date options are now available on reports using easy tab options. The date ranges are customizable to meet the needs of specific merchants or industries.

This new features allows for merchants to have quick access to their most commonly used report date ranges. These date ranges are set at the domain level.

Forgotten Password Reset

If a user has forgotten their password they can easily reset it on CAS. A temporary password will be sent to them.

New Role – Vendor

A new role has been created, Vendor. The vendor role is created  in the same way as other users and is treated like other roles with specific rights that can be modified. The vendor user is assigned to specific vendors/suppliers and only has access to their data.

Bar Code Printing

Two enhancements have been made to the generating of barcodes from CAS. One is the enlargement of price on the labels. The other enhancement is the tie in to standard label sizes for sheet labels.

Vendor name is no longer required on items

Items can now be created without entering a vendor/supplier name. This allows for more flexibility for those users that do not distinguish between vendors and are not using this field to track or monitor sales or inventory. Including a vendor as information on each item in the system is now optional.

Exclude Discounts for specified items and classifications

Users can now identify specific items or classifications to exclude from discounting. This will allow for items that the merchant does not want to be discounted to be flagged as such and not be able to have item level discounts applied to them.

New Import – Item Management

A new import file is available which allows for existing items to be modified using an import file. This allows for a large number of items to be modified quickly.

CAS Restore – Redesign

The screen that is used for accessing and restoring CAS has been redesigned to be more user friendly.

Reports – Inventory Balance Report (additional to csv)

When the inventory Balance Report is saves via an excel csv file, attributes of the items are now also included on the report. This provides additional information on the inventory item that may be useful for the user.

Disclaimer can be set by sub category

The system now has the ability to print a disclaimer on receipts by sub category. The user would select the sub category and add the disclaimer message (up to 250 characters). When an item is sold from this sub category a disclaimer will be printed on the sales receipt. A signature line can be added so the customer can attest to the statement.

This feature is helpful when groups of items in inventory require additional disclosures at the sale.

Master Item – Defaults set

When an item is created on the Master Item screen, the user can omit the mandatory classifications (Department, category, subcategory) from the item and the system will create the item with Default as the entry. This creates an easy experience for the user that is not using classifications for items.

Reports – Brand and Season added to filters

Reports now have the attributes brand and season available as search criteria in generating reports. This will allow the users to further refine their search, such as generating a report by vendor of all inventory in a  past season  to review for possible discounting or end of season promotions.

New Gateway - Norse Integration

We welcome Norse as the newest payment gateway to be integrated into our application. As with the other payment gateways, credentials can be entered on CAS or the POS.

Drop all records of a POS from CAS and restore new file

An additional CAS restore feature is now available which allows CAS to drop existing POS records and restore to a new file.