Payment Gateway Settings

Payment Gateway Settings

Payment Settings

On the WinPOS, you can create and saves your payment gateway settings, as well as modify the existing settings. We recommend saving your gateway settings on CAS so that you have a central location for the settings. 

Selecting the payment gateway: Available gateways are available from the dropdown selection. Please notify your reseller or retailcloud support department for additional gateway options. 

DTP (Direct to Processor) - Users that are not using a payment gateway and are processing their credit card transactions directly to their merchant processor, would select PAX from the Gateway option.



Payment processing settings are managed by users with the appropriate rights. If using a gateway, make sure that you have obtained your payment information from your payment processor, and verified that it is in live mode and set to process all types of transactions.

The following details are mandatory

 1. User must have a merchant account to accept Credit Cards.

2.User must have an account setup by your payment processor.

3.User must have the Login name and Password created (the password created can contain special characters).

The user can allow hand keyed transactions by checking Manual Entry of card details.

If prevent verification is checked, the unit will not verify the transaction. This is used for tracking media sales when other forms of verification are used (an additional wireless credit card unit or check guarantee) Caution: with these checked the POS unit will not verify live transactions. It assumes you already have the needed verification and prints a receipt.Manual Entry does not need to be checked to use prevent verification

Supported Payment Mode

This part will  define which payment options merchants will accept from their customers , Credit , Debit , Check, Gift Cards,  and In Store Credit

Supported Credit Cards

User will be able to verify the supported card types he is able to accept at his location eg , VISA , MASTERCARD , AMERICAN EXPRESS , DISCOVER etc .

NOTE : Before accepting a card type at your location it is important that you check with your processing company on what card types you are able to accept at your location


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