USB Pole Display

USB Pole Display

  1. Verify that  *win32com.dll file* is in your **java bin folder**  if using Windows XP
  2. Insert the disk that comes with the Pole Display
  3. When CD appears go into USB Driver -  Windows - and run the install.bat file (Do not plug in USB until this finishes running)
  4. Plug in the USB of the Pole Display into the register (Pop up appears)
  5. Select “No, not this time” button then click next.
  6. Click “Next” button and then “Continue Anyway” button. Finally, click “Finish” button to finish installation.
  7. After Pole Display is installed, right click My Computer –  select Hardware –  select Device Manager -  select Ports (To see what COM port the Pole Display (LCI Line Display) is setup under)
  8. Open POS
  9. Log into POS
  10. Go into Configuration - Hardware – Under Pole Settings selects the Port that the Pole Display is setup under.
  11. Go into Transaction and Sales Transaction then your Pole Display should Display “Welcome to your Store Name”



*if you need to get this file you can go to wiki.retailcloud.com and search win32com.dll and download it there.


**To get to your Java folder you go to My Computer – C drive – Program Files – Java – java version folder – bin folder – then you add the file into this folder.