USB Pole Display
USB Pole Display
- Verify that *win32com.dll file* is in your **java bin folder** if using Windows XP
- Insert the disk that comes with the Pole Display
- When CD appears go into USB Driver - Windows - and run the install.bat file (Do not plug in USB until this finishes running)
- Plug in the USB of the Pole Display into the register (Pop up appears)
- Select “No, not this time” button then click next.
- Click “Next” button and then “Continue Anyway” button. Finally, click “Finish” button to finish installation.
- After Pole Display is installed, right click My Computer – select Hardware – select Device Manager - select Ports (To see what COM port the Pole Display (LCI Line Display) is setup under)
- Open POS
- Log into POS
- Go into Configuration - Hardware – Under Pole Settings selects the Port that the Pole Display is setup under.
- Go into Transaction and Sales Transaction then your Pole Display should Display “Welcome to your Store Name”
*if you need to get this file you can go to wiki.retailcloud.com and search win32com.dll and download it there.
**To get to your Java folder you go to My Computer – C drive – Program Files – Java – java version folder – bin folder – then you add the file into this folder.
, multiple selections available,