Integrating a Honeywell Scale/Scanner

Integrating a Honeywell Scale/Scanner

The Honeywell 2753 is a bioptic all in one scanner and scale. The bottom panel is a scale and both the bottom and side combine to make a 3 dimensional scanner where the barcode does not need to be facing the device in order to be scanned.

The device connects to the POS system using a dual cable configuration. USB is used for the scale (which functions as an input like keyboard device), and RS232 is used for the scale (functioning on the first available com port, in this case Com 4). No drivers are necessary for either connection.

The device also includes an external readout for the scale that displays the current weight on the scale. This is independant of the POS system. If you do not have the external display, skip this step.

This document tells someone how to configure the device for use with the POS system. Configuration is done through scanning various barcodes through the scanner. Some changes are needed on Windows com port 4, the POS application and the POS AppType.

Note: Download and copy Java Comm file and place them in the appropriate directories. Comm Files


When done configuring it, you can test the scale using Putty. Connect to it using the same parameters. Put something on the scale and on the keyboard press SHIFT + W + ENTER . Putty should display the weight read from the scale if connected properly.

Before doing anything restart the scanner.

Note: the fact that these must be scanned in the same order, otherwise you will have to start again. Each barcode is on its own page to eliminate confusion.

For clarification scan the Barcodes in this order:







Scan the following barcode to reset the Honeywell device to DEFAULT settings.

Scan the following barcode to set the SCALE TYPE. This should be Mettler Ariva.

Scan the following barcode to set the scale to NCI Protocol. This also includes setting the com port to a baud rate of 9600, Parity None, Stop Bit 1, Data Bits 8, Hardware Control None. (Scale will go into user mode and the scanner will emit a triple tone beep)

Scan the following barcode to set the Scanner as USB KEYBOARD mode. The Scale Will reboot at this point. So you will have to wait about a minute for it to come back up.

Scan the following barcode to set the EXTERNAL SCALE DISPLAY. This is Optional.

SAVE SCALE SETTINGS (Again you should get a triple tone beep).


When you are done configuring the scanner, configure a COM port on windows to match the Scale.

Baud Rate: 9600

Data Bits: 8

Parity: NONE

Stop Bits: 1

Flow Control: NONE

In the POS, Hardware set the Com port of the scale to the above configured COM port, like COM 4.

Lastly, update AppType to Decimal under POS.generalsettings and Merchant settings.

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