How to Uninstall your POS system, in case of failure during setup process or reinstall

How to Uninstall your POS system, in case of failure during setup process or reinstall

This is a guided process to uninstall your POS System, in the event the install had errors or the current register or domain needs to be removed and a new one installed. This applies to all versions of Windows.

If you need to uninstall and reinstall your MySQL go here and here before doing this section.


Step 1: Press Start or the Windows Key to bring up all your programs


Step 2: In your Programs list go to 'retailcloud POS Application'


Step 3: Under 'retailcloud POS Application', go to 'POS Uninstall'


Step 4: A black box will pop up and begin the uninstall process, it should take about 1 minute


Step 5: Go to 'My Computer' in your Start Menu'


Step 6: Go to your C:\ Drive


Step 7: Select the folder called 'Retailcloud' and right-click your mouse or press the Print Key on your keyboard, below your right shift key and press 'Delete'


Step 8: You can now begin the reinstall of the retailcloud POS Application by running the executable