Tablet Reports Tab

Tablet Reports Tab

This is your Reports Tab.

From this page, you get a summary of the day's activity. On the bottom you can select other daily reports to print.

  • Daily Sales - shows by hour the sales for the day
  • Customer Engagement Index , CE Index for the current day
  • Items Sold for the current day
  • Clocked in Hours for the current day
  • All Main Reports are available under same page reports, including Z report

The following are the 6 Reports along the bottom

Daily Sales Report: Break down of all sales and your totals of the day. This report gives the total amount for taxable sales, non-taxable sales, net sales, refund amounts and coupons.

Z Report: Prints totals for the day with breakdown by tender types (closes the till for the day)

Transaction Summary: Lets you view transactions you have made during the day, as well as reprint receipts

Department Totals: This report indicates the number of items sold for each department. This report includes net sales, count and percentage of department and total sales.

PLU Movement: This report  gives a detailed summary of all the items sold by UPS Code. It will display the UPC number, the item description, the total units sold, and the amount in sales (does not include tax).

Tip Reporting: This is available only if Tip is enabled on TabPOS. This report will show you all Transactions that got Tips and the amount of the Tips.