Price Matrix

Price Matrix


You have the ability to create a matrix of selected attributes to create a large number of new items using the price matrix This feature allows you to select multiple attributes, such as brand and style and enter the cost and price. When the matrix is applied to  the create item feature, all items that fall into that matrix can be created with the specified cost and selling price.

Once the price matrix is created, it is available on the Master Item Screen under Size Bricks. When you wish to create multiple related items using the price matrix you created, select this option on the Master Item screen and then press Modify Size Brick to continue with the matrix item creation process.



Name: Mandatory field to provide a name for the Price Matrix. This name is the way it is identified on the Master Item screen under Select Size Brick

Attribute Type: Select the attributes (at least one must be selected)that you want considered in the pricing matrix

Attribute Value: Select from your existing attributes the one that you want the pricing to be applied to 

Cost: Enter the cost that you want applied to all items created using this matrix

Retail: Enter the sales price that you want applied to all items created using this matrix