Automatic Reorders

Automatic Reorders


The Reorder Level Settings are used to look at historical transactional data and recommend items for reorder based on rules that  have been established at the enterprise, venue or store level. 


Select the Venue or Store that the settings should be applied to. The most effective ways are to analyze by Sales Period or by  Daily Sales Average

Select the method of Reorder Level calculation. the most effective options are Sales Period or Daily Sales Average .


Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers and human resource managers may modify reorder level settings at Venues or Store assigned to them.

Using a Rolling Sales Period

Select to reorder by Sales Period  and the following screen is displayed.

Select the Number of Days tor which sales are to be analyzed and the reports will review the sales from that time period and create a order report for items that do not match those levels in inventory. This is ideal for retailers with an consistent sales and inventory cycle.

Click on Save to Accept the settings

Using a Specified Period Daily Average

Select to reorder by Daily Sales Average and the following screen is displayed.

Enter the Date Range for which the average sales are to be calculated from and then enter the Number of Days of inventory that is to be maintained in stock. A order report will be created  for items that do not match those levels in inventory. This is ideal for retailers with seasonal sales.

Click on Save to Accept the settings