Transaction Sales - Cash Sale - POS

Transaction Sales - Cash Sale - POS


A cash transaction can be completed by entering items and selecting cash tender.



User begins the sale by scanning the item to be sold. If the product cannot be scanned, user clicks on the Item Lookup which will display another screen, where the user can search a product by item #, name, department, UPC, category, sub-category or supplier. User clicks on the desired product and it will be pulled up on the sale transaction screen.

If exact change is not received, enter the amount tendered and press enter. Change amount will be displayed on the screen (as well as on the receipt).

If the Go Green option is check, the customer will be emailed their receipt and a receipt will not be printed.


The user also has the option to suspend the transaction while he waits for the customer to return, and can continue to perform transactions. When the customer returns, the user will select resume to be taken back to the saved screen.

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