Smart Imports - CAS

Smart Imports - CAS


Data for any of the tables given in the drop down can be imported. A sample of each file layout can be found by highlighting the type and clicking the download sample CSV button.  A help button is included, for a quick link to the wiki site so the user can verify the data they are adding to the import fields. The headers must not be adjusted in any way and data must be formatted exactly as specified or the import will not be successful.

SMART IMPORT - Item file
Follow this link for details on how to import items through a .csv file

SMART IMPORT - Inventory Receiving
Follow this link for details on how to import an inventory receiving .csv file

Tips for a Successful Import
Follow this link for tips on how to have a successful import

Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers and zone managers may import data at Venues or Store assigned to them.