Merchandise Receiving- Import

Merchandise Receiving- Import

To import merchandise receiving details into the database. You can receive merchandise from multiple vendors at the same time.

Mandatory fields:
*Item ID- Item ID associated with the items that are being received
*Quantity- Quantity on hand for the items being received to this venue/store/warehouse ID
*Cost - The cost of the item
*Date- Date of the transaction (this must be in MM/DD/YYYY Text format)
          All entries must have the same date
*Vendor ID- ID that is given to the vendor - How can I find my VendorID?
*PO Number- if receiving against a purchase order (otherwise leave blank)
*Venue ID- ID of the venue the items are going to
*Location Type (S,W)- Which level (Warehouse or Store) the items are being received
*Store/Warehouse ID- ID of the store or warehouse the the items are received to.

*Freight - Amount or "0" cannot be blank

Non Mandatory Fields

 Bin ID-


Actions performed on successful import:

Receipt will be generated. Items will be in inventory at assigned id.

Attached is the TEMPLATE for the Advance User Import for RECEIVING