Store Import

Store Import

To import stores and virtual stores into the database.

Mandatory fields:

StoreID: The unique ID for the store should be entered.
Name: Unique name for the store is entered in this field.

                Special Characters are not allowed.
VenueID: The venue where the store is going to be associated is given here by entering the Venue ID of that venue.
EmployeeID: The employee ID of the Store Manager of that store is entered here (only role allowed is that of a Store Manager)

Not mandatory:

WaiveOffRoyalty: The royalty option waive off option can be selected by entering 1 or left blank if not needed.
HeaderLine1: This header details will appear on the top of the sales receipt. HeaderLine2: This header details will appear on the top of the sales receipt. HeaderLine3: This header details will appear on the top of the sales receipt.
HeaderLine4: This header details will appear on the top of the sales receipt.
HeaderLine5: This header details will appear on the top of the sales receipt.
FooterLine1: This footer details will appear on the bottom of the sales receipt.
FooterLine2: This footer details will appear on the bottom of the sales receipt. FooterLine3: This footer details will appear on the bottom of the sales receipt.
FooterLine4: This footer details will appear on the bottom of the sales receipt.
FooterLine5: This footer details will appear on the bottom of the sales receipt. 
Logo: The logo for the store can be attached here. 
PriceBookID: If user wants to have new prices and discount/coupon codes for the store, that can be entered here.
StoreType: If the user has a regular store enter N (Linked type will be blank and linkedID will be blank), if this is a virtual store enter S (then you need a linked type and a LinkID)
LinkedType:This option is used when the user has a virtual store attached to this store (S) or warehouse (W), if there is no virtual store then nothing should be entered (leave blank).
LinkedID: If the previous field is W or S, then a unique ID for the virtual store is given which is not overlapping for any of the store ID or other virtual store IDs (if there is no virtual store this should be left blank). 

Actions performed on successful import:

On Successful import of the store, the store is saved in the store table in the database.

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