Inventory Manager for iPhone Users
Inventory Manager for iPhone Users
retailcloud iPhone Application - Inventory Manager
Inventory Manager 1.4 for iPhone
The purpose of this application is to perform basic inventory functions using a mobile device (on the iPhone platform. Users are able to perform an inventory count (to aid in their inventory audit), document is to explain the details regarding release of the Retail Cloud Inventory Adjustment application for iPhone Platform. This document includes details like features supported, known issues etc. in the release.
Release Date
11th September 2013
Compatible Mobile OS and Version
iPhone OS 6.0 onwards.
2.6 Software Components
- Open iTunes.
- Select the File menu → “Add to Library.” Navigate to the InventoryManager.ipa file and press Open. The app will be loaded into the Apps folder within the LIBRARY section of iTunes
- Within iTunes, select your device and go to the Apps tab. Verify that your device is set up to Sync Apps, and verify the check box next to the app you wish to install is selected for syncing (by default the app may not be “checked” to sync if this is the first time you are installing it). Press the Apply button.
- First Time Launch (if application is not from the Apple Play Store) - obtain UDID. In itunes, select device, click on serial number. Need to give UDID to Prasad at Grimiti
- Sync your device.
3 Use cases
The following use cases are supported in the release:
Inventory Count: -
- Create Project - This will Set the name of the project, whether the count is from a warehouse or store, and full reconciliation or just a count of the items added. Once saved, access the file again to initiate or modify. If initiated, the count will be available on CAS (using the transaction number generated) and can then be committed.
- Modify Project
- Email report
- Initiate Adjustment
- Modify Adjustment
Merchandise Receive: -
- Create Project
- Email report
- Initiate Receiving
Merchandise Transfer: -
- Create Project
- Commit Transfer/Modify Transfer
- Email Report
- Initiating Transfer
- Committing Transfer
Configuration: -
- Configuration
- Supervisor Validation for Employee Login
, multiple selections available,