User - Modify Time Card - CAS

User - Modify Time Card - CAS


This screen is used to review all clock-in and clock-outs by employees, line items display the  employee name, long in date and time for each day and can be modified or deleted as needed.  The Employee Time and Attendance report shows a summary of all entries listed here. The data here will also be used to generate the Export Pay Data file.

Handy Hint

Run the report with the "Only Forced Entries" selection checked to monitor supervisor override activity .


User enters the employee name, the venue, and the store, and then can modify the time and date of the employee's clock in/clock out.



Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, zone managers and human resource managers may modify time card settings at Venues or Store assigned to them.