Price Book Import

Price Book Import

To import a price book into the database three steps are taken. First the price book must be created (naming of the price book), then the items to be included in the price book must be imported into this price book. If discounts or coupons are to be added on a transactional level, this is done in a third step.

Step 1 - Create Price Book

Price book

Mandatory fields:

PriceBookID: User has to provide the unique ID in the CSV file and it should not exist in the price book table.

Description: The unique price book name is given in this description field.

                Special Characters are not allowed.

Status: The status should be Active or Inactive. If its active the price book can be attached to the store or venue. If its inactive it cannot be attached to the store or venue.

Step 2 - Items for Price Book

Price Book Details

Tip: To retain the data as entered in the import file (such as leading zero's on a UPC), which are usually reconfigured and dropped by excel upon saving the sheet as a csv file, save the file as a text file and then open the file as a text file (Right click on file to open in note pad).

Mandatory Details:
PriceBookID: The existing price book ID which is being created in the previous step is entered here.

ItemSKU: The Item UPC/SKU is entered that goes into the price book.

RetailPrice: The retail price of the items is entered here which will be the new price the user wants.

Step 3 - Optional  add Discounts to price book

Price Book Discount and Coupons
Mandatory fields:
PriceBookID: The existing price book ID which is being created in the previous step is entered here.

DiscountType: If the user wants to apply discount this field should be given D and if user wants to give coupon then C should be given.

ID: If D is entered in the previous field, the ID of the discount thats choosen is entered here. If the user has C entered in the previous field, then the ID of the coupon is entered here.

Value: The new value of the discount or coupon is entered here, so that the pricebook will process the new values only.

Actions performed on successful import:

On Successful import of these 3 csv files, the data will be inserted into the pricebook table, pricebook details table and the pricebook discount and coupon table which can be attached to a store or a venue so that the new prices, discounts and coupons will take effect.

Note: If additional items need to be added to a pricebook, these items can be imported, using the pricebook ID with the items to be added. The previously entered items will still be included in the pricebook.