Venue Import
To import venues into the database
Mandatory fields:
VendorID: User has to provide the unique ID in the CSV file and it should not exist already in the venue table
Name: User has to name of the venue in this field.
Special Characters are not allowed.
MerchantID: User has to enter MerchantID of the domain and it will validated against MerchantID in merchant table of that domain
EmployeeID: Here user has to provide the emp ID having roleID 6(VGM)
Non- Mandatory fields:
LicensorID: User can provide licensor ID and this will be validated against licesnorID in licensors table
PriceBookID: User can provide pricebookID and this wil be validated against price book id in pricebook table.
Actions performed on successful import:
On Successful import data will be inserted into venue table in merchant database.