Discount Import

Discount Import

To import discounts into the database.

Mandatory fields:
DiscountID: User has to provide an unique ID and it should be a number that has not been previously used in the discount table.

Description: The name of the discount is given in this field.

Rate: The discount rate (percentage) is given in this field (Just the number, as in 20 for 20 percent and no percent sign %)

DiscountType : Type 1 (Discount Percent) or 2 (Cost plus pre-set percentage) will be entered in this field.

ValidFrom: From date should be provided in the YYYY-MM-DD format (format cell as text)

ValidTo: From date should be provided in the YYYY-MM-DD format (format cell as text)

              If Dates are not provided in the field then it will take current date as From date and 2 Yrs from now will be taken as  To date.

Actions performed on successful import:

On Successful import data will be inserted into discount table.