Consolidated Sales report shows data in a matrix format by Royalty and Category Level, SKU and Discount Code.
It produces a Price Level Summary that provides a
high-level review of total sales by sales price i.e. full price, new customer discount, and holiday discount.
It also provides a Sub-Category Summary of the items produced by the customized query, enabling the
User to determine which items are the sales drivers.
Be Careful
This is a report designed for a specific customer and the Tax data is calculated from the Tax tables.
User creates a total sales report by choosing between venue or store and then selecting details for venue, store, royalty, category, and subcategory from drop-down boxes and providing the dates between which the sales are to be reported.
The user can then generate the report or download a CSV or PDF file. Generated report includes the unit cost, the retail price, the quantity sold, the extended cost (cost to company if items are refunded), the retail sales, the tax, included and excluded ( if the tax is included in the price, which is preset when the item is created in master item), and the net sales.
The Consolidated Sales Report has different summaries with the report. The first summary is broken down by categories then by UPC's. It reflects the Unit cost which is how much the buisness spent on the item to retail price which is how much the business is selling it for. This also includes Tax[inc] where tax is specific to certain items and pre set and Tax[exc] where is shows the tax that is for each store. At the end of this summary it will show all totals that has no royalty add in. Users can use this report to find out the item sales drivers in their business.
Price Level Summary is reflecting pricing at the transaction level where the user can have the total at full price or their discounts added in ie: Holiday discount, new customer discount. User can use this too see how much these discounts are affecting their sales.
Last summary it the Sub-cat summary where you can see which category is driving sales. Each category is then broken down and you can see the quantity sold, Extended cost, Retail sales, Tax[inc], Tax[exc] and net sales.
Unit cost can be found in postrasactionitemdetail table
Access to this function at an enterprise level is limited by default to the System Administrator and Financial users only. Accounting, store managers, warehouse general managers as well as zone managers may view total sales report at Venues or Store assigned to them.