Truncating Item Table

Truncating Item Table

This is used in situations where the POS units had some kind of loss of data from the server, whether it be lost messages to the item file like a mass change to the Description or a changing of UPC numbers from the CAS has not pushed to the registers. In all instances the user should try to syncronize the table from the CAS to POS in the instructions found here. If this does not update either due to some data corruption (invalid carectors etc.) in the item table you may need to truncate the information from the POS item table then start the syncronization of the master item table. This will allow for a clean table at the POS.


1)      Begin by Creating a Backing up the POS data from the Utilities directory.

2)      Download MYSQL Query Browser. Please consult your Network Administrator for approved sites.

3)      Using query browser, connect to the "pos" database using the administrator password created when MySQL was installed.

4)      Please be careful as you are now accessing the POS database and changes made here will impact the data on the CAS.

5)      Open the "item" table in the pos database. You will see all the items listed currently on the pos here.

6)      In the query browser SQL Query Area type the command listed below then press the green button with the lightning bolt (this is the execute button) query browser should return a message showing all of the items that were dropped.

truncate item;   

7)      Now that all of the items have been dropped from the POS item table all that is left to do is run the Master Item Syncronization found here. This will take the item table from cas and update it directly to the POS.

8)      Once the Sync has finished verify your items now scan in the POS.