Editing transaction dates

Editing transaction dates

You may have an instance where the POS has an incorrect date and the transactions will be reflected on the CAS as of that date. Follow these steps to modify the date on the POS and then restore the data on the CAS.


Please use caution when using the administrator password to access the tables. Carefully consider the changes you are about to make and then make sure that you log out of MySQL Query Browser when you have completed the changes. Leaving your database unsecured can result in a loss or corruption of data.

It is recommended that you enable event tracking of MySQL in Windows XP as an added precaution.  

1)      Begin by Creating a Backing up the POS data from the Utilities directory.

2)      Download MYSQL Query Browser. Please consult your Network Administrator for approved sites.

3)      Using query browser, connect to the "pos" database using the administrator password created when MySQL was installed. (see unaffiliated tutorial on youtube)

4)      Please be careful as you are now accessing the POS database and changes made here will impact the data on the CAS.

5)      Open the "postransactions" table in the pos database. You will see all the transactions that were done on the POS here.

6)      Identify the transactions for which you would like to modify the date. Note that the date appears in a unix timestamp, there are several websites that can assist you with converting the time.

7)      Edit the incorrect date values with the corrected unix time stamp for the effected transactions in the postransaction table. Make allowances for the time zone differential. There are several websites that can assist you with converting the time.

8)      Apply the changes after you have verified that the entries are correct.

9)      Run a report for that day, if you are backdating the changes you will have to change the date and time to the day you are modifying and run the Daily Sales Report. Remember to reset the date and time back to what it should be.

10)   Perform a Backup of the POS.

11)   Use the newly created backup file and restore the register at the CAS. 

12)   Run the reports at the CAS to make sure that your changes are correct.

Note: It is recommended that you modify your Windows Date and Time properties to automatically synchronize with an Internet time server.