
This is your Configuration page of your Inventory Manager Application.

Here you have options that you can change and it will affect how you use the Inventory Manager Application.

Default Quantity: This options lets you choose the quantity you want the application begin with every time you scan or type in a UPC. 

Rapid Scan: This option lets you choose the quickness of your scan if you have it disabled, it will let scan and stop then show you the items detail but if you have it enabled it will keep scanning until you stop scanning items.

Decimal Places: This option lets you choose between having inventory with decimal or not. 1 is default which means that your inventory will be whole numbers (1,2,3,4 etc). 2 means that you want to have inventory with decimal place (1.3, 2.5, 5.6 etc).

Manual Sync: Set the Sync Interval Schedule, the frequency that the device will sync the data with CAS. Default is 10 (10 minutes)

Supervisor Validation: This options is for users that have roles that don't have sufficient access rights to Receive, Transfer, and Count Inventory. This options lets the store manager enter his credential and allow the user rights to the Receiving, Transfer, and Inventory Count features.

SAVE: Press to save the selected settings