To import merchandise transfer details into the database.This requires 2 steps, merchandise transfer import and merchandise transfer item details.
Merchandise transfer:
Mandatory fields:
Transfer Action: This field should have TRANSFER to indicate transfer.
Transfer Type: If its warehouse to warehouse then WTW is entered, if its store to store then STS is entered, if its warehouse to store then WTS is entered, if its store to warehouse then STW is entered.
Transaction Number: The transaction number of the Store transfer order is entered here.
Transaction date: The transaction is entered in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Source ID: The location where the merchandise is taken is entered here.It can be a warehouse or a store.
Target ID: The location where the merchandise is going to be placed is entered here. It can be a warehouse or a store.
User Transferred by: The employee ID of the person who does the transfer is entered here.
Remarks: Any remarks/comments are entered here.
Actions performed on successful import:
On Successful import of the of the merchandise transfer, the process is initiated.The user has to now complete the next step.
Merchandise transfer item:
Mandatory fields:
Transaction Type: TRANSFER is always entered here since its a transfer.
Transaction Number: The transaction number entered in the previous step is entered here.
Item ID: The item ID of the items to be transferred is entered here.
Quantity: The Quantity of the items to be transferred is entered here.
Rate: The rate or price of the item is entered here.
Discount: The discount if any thats associated to the item is entered here.
Tax: The tax code thats accociated with the item is entered here.
Remarks: The remarks/comments for the transactions are entered here.
Not Mandatory fields
Bin: The bin location for the items can be entered here.
Price Level: This is the discount code ID if any thats attached to the item
Actions performed on successful import:
On Successful import of the merchandise transfer and merchandise transfer item are processed the next step is user has to go to the CAS and find the transaction number and commit it to complete the transaction.