To import merchandise transfer into the database.
Merchandise transfer:
Mandatory fields:
Transfer Type TransferType: If its warehouse to warehouse then WTW is entered, if its store to store then STS is entered, if its warehouse to store then WTS is entered, if its store to warehouse then STW is entered.
From: The location ID where the merchandise is taken is entered here.It can be a warehouse or a store.
To: The location ID where the merchandise is going to be placed is entered here. It can be a warehouse or a store.
ItemID: Enter the item id that will be transfered
Quantity: The quantity of the items to transferred is entered here.
Remarks: Any remarks/comments are entered here.
Actions performed on successful import:
On Successful import of the of the merchandise transfer, the process is initiated and it generates a transaction number. Using the transaction number the user has to go to the CAS and commit the transfer.