To import tax codes into the database.
Mandatory fields:
Tax ID taxid: User has to provide the unique ID in the CSV file and it should not exist in the tax table.
Descriptiondescription: The unique tax code name is given in this description field.
Special Characters are not allowed.
Tax rate 1taxrate1: The tax rate is given here which would be calculated on the price of the item during sales.
Not mandatory fields:
Tax rate 2 taxrate2: The second tax rate is given in case of double tax or compound tax purposes.
Dependentdependent: If the user wants compound tax, this filled as 1.If the user does not want the tax compounded its made 0.
MinTaxablemintaxable: If the user wants to set an amount for which the tax should calculate and for anything below that amount tax should be waived, its set here.