Creating employees using the import file is a a two step process, first the employee will have to be created and then the user information.
Creating an Employee File
The Employee import file contains the following fields
MerchantID: Enter the Merchant ID here
Status: There are two acceptable values for this field, either "Active" or "Resigned". Enter the appropriate value without the quotation marks
BirthDate: Birth date of the employee will be entered(Format :YYYY-MM-/DD/YYYY)
JoiningDate: Joining Date of the employee will be entered(Format :YYYY-MM-/DD/YYYY)
LeavingDate: If the employee is terminated the leaving date will be entered
Once this file is created, save it as a CSV format file. and begin creating the Employee User file
Creating an Employee User File
The Employee User import file contains the following fields: all fields are mandatory.