Release Notes CAS 3.5.12

Release Notes CAS 3.5.12

Comments Printed On CAS Receipts

Comments entered on a manual sales will now print on the receipts and be able to be viewed from the transaction activity report. This allows for the comments to be visible on manual sales receipts and to be used for reference.

Inventory Balance Report - Filter

The Inventory Balance Report now has a filter so that the user can more specifically target the criteria they want to view. The report no longer includes items with a zero balance, this helps streamline the data output so that the user can more readily see relevant items. When the need arises for zero quantity on hand or negative quantity on hand , these options can be accessed by selecting the option on the screen. Reminder: If you want an item to not appear on the report (even the zero balance report), the item can be set to an "Inactive" status and at that point will not appear on the report.

Merchandising Transfering Cost Calculation

When the cost of an item is modified after an item has had a transfer initiated (but before committing the transfer), the user now has the option of calculated the cost based on the modified cost. This enhancement allow for a more accurate overall cost to be used in the calculation. Please refer to the wiki for a detailed explanation of the cost calculation.

Title change of POS Settings Section

Under POS Settings "Add to Mailing List Prompt" has been updated to "Other POS Settings" and now includes the refund verification and customer mandatory functions. This change of title makes it easier of the user to locate this features.

Structure (Reports – File Name convention)

Reports can now be saved as a PDF file name (such as Financial Reconciliation 12 31 11 user.pdf) previously they were saved with the generic "handle Switch.pdf". This allows for the reports to be more easily identified. Limitation: Browser should be Chrome, Safari, or Opera with the Adobe Acrobat plug in disabled.

Tax Overrides reflected in Manual Sales

Tax overrides are now able to be applied to manual sales created on the UI. Previously, tax overrides only applied to sales made at the register.

Committing Manual Sales with Incorrect Amount

On committing of manual sales, an error message will display if the correct tender amount is not entered. The manual sale will not commit until the correct amount is entered.

Discount Codes validates ending date

In discount creation, the date entered as the end date is validated to only accept the current date or a future date. If a past date is entered an error message will be displayed.

Customer Lookup

In the Customer Lookup Report you are now able to search for customers by zip code, city, and drivers license. This will allow accessing the customers based on more targetting information, which can be used for marketing or specific promotions.