Inventory Adjustment-POS

Inventory Adjustment-POS

The user can initiate an adjustment of received inventory on the POS, for small quantity adjustments, as this function uses the "+" and "-" buttons to adjust the item quantity. It is not efficient for entering in initial quantities or large quantity swings. But is to be used for minor inventory adjustments, such as damaged or miscounted items. This function allows for easy adjustments from any location, to help maintain a current QTY level.  Use Cases


Users can use the item look up to select item id's/UPC's or type the item directly in the field. Once the item is entered/selected the user can adjust inventory up one or down one from current QOH. This process only initiate the adjustment, it will still have to be committed on the CAS. 


Access as a default is found with Store Managers and above, for locations assigned to the user.