Item Maintenance

Item Maintenance

This Import allows the user to modify existing items. By using the import function, the user can modify a large number of items at once. Please note: Cost is not modifiable using this import.



All fields are Mandatory - if left blank they will be replaced as empty:

ItemID: The unique ID for the item you want to modify

UPC: You can either enter a new UPC or your current UPC if it will remain the same

Name: You can either enter a new description for the item or the current item description (no special characters such as -, *, &, etc) (Max Length 50 characters)

UnitOfMeasure: ID for PO unit of measure

Department: You enter the name of the Department you want to change it to or current Department. (Max Length 50 characters)

Category: You enter the name of the Category you want to change it to or current Category.  (Max Length 50 characters)

SubCategory: You enter the name of the SubCategory you want to change it to or current SubCategory.. (Max Length 50 characters)

RoyaltyLevel: The royalty ID associated to the item is entered here.

Image: Under construction, not needed.

Status: Enter the word "Active" or "Discontinued", depending on what the user wants as the status of the item, by default items should be Active.

SupplierName: The vendor code or Vendor Name associated to the item should be entered (either one will work).

ReorderLevel: The reorder level number is entered for the item, so that when it reaches this quantity, the item will show in the reorder report.

ReorderQuantity: The reorder quantity number is entered for the item, this is the quantity that is to be reordered.

MinimumLevel: The minimum level to which the quantity of the item can be reached is entered here.

MaximumLevel: The maximum level to which the quantity of the item can be reached is entered here. 

Size: The Size you want to change it to or current Size.(This is the name for the size, not the ID). (Max Length 50 characters)

Style: The Style you want to change it to or current Style. (This is the name for the style, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters)

Color: The Color you want to change it to or current Color. (This is the name for the color, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters)

Brand: The Brand you want to change it to or current Brand.(This is the name for the brand, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters)

Season: The Season you want to change it to or current Season. (This is the name for the season, not the ID) (Max Length 50 characters)

TaxInc: The tax inclusive item is indicated by filling this field with 1 or left blank for tax exclusive.

Enhanced Description: You can add a Enhanced Description or current Enhanced Description