Tablet Merchandise Receiving

Tablet Merchandise Receiving

To navigate to the Merchandise Receiving Page select the  More Tab (3 bars on the top left corner) > Inventory > Merchandise Receiving

This Screen is case sensitive, For example if you UPC starts with letters and they are Upper Case you cant enter it Lower Cased because you will get "Item Not Found" message.

To successfully Receive Merchandise you have to input the following Mandatory Fields.

Date: Receiving Date

Vendor:  Vendor merchandise is received from 

Add Item: The AddItem button is used to add rows to the Receiving List.

Adding the UPC will auto populate the Description and Cost and user enters the Quantity Received.

To Save - Select the check mark at the top right corner. A "Success" message will be displayed and a receipt will print.

Not Mandatory:

Remarks: add remarks which will display on the Merchandise Receiving Receipt.

Freight: add any freight cost to the items

Modified UPC: - Modify UPC if needed