The time and attendance feature is available on the Tablet. Please notify your system provider or retailcloud's support department to enable.
This feature allows all employees to clock in and out of the system using their employee login ID and password.
A receipt is printed and should be retained by the employee. It includes basic information, as well as whether the employee clocked in or out. Forced entry can be used by an administrator to alter the date and time of an employee's login/logout time. Date and time can only be changed using the forced entry option.
The "Forced Entry" option is used when you need to modify the time or date of the employee. The Supervisor needs to enter the login name of the appropriate employee and select the box "Forced Entry". Next, the supervisor making the change enters their Username and Password. Once logged in, he/she will enter the proper date and time and save. To accurately correct the time, supervisor can force the correct clock out time.
NOTE: If an employee does not clock out by 4am, the CAS will automatically clock out the employee (with the time of 1 minute after the clock in time). To enable this feature, go to email alerts and select "Employee not clocked out" and designate recipient of email alert>Save. When this occurs the correct clock out time should be manually adjusted on CAS using the modify timecard feature.
Clock in using the TabPOS:
Forced Clock in using the TabPOS: