Release Notes for CAS Version 3.7.31
Serial Numbers for Items
Items in your inventory can have a serial number attached to them to allow for more detailed tracking of these items. This can be used to identify more expensive items like antiques, computers, electronics, automobiles, and jewelry. Serial numbers also allow you to keep detailed records about an item’s warranty and, if necessary, recall information.
You can select to always require a serial number on an item or make it optional – this can be selected by item or classification level. You can also select what additional information must be obtained when the items are sold.
This feature can be used to provide additional security on these items by requiring a serial number be entered when sold or returned.
Decimal Application - Code Update
Our decimal application (which allows for quantity to be in decimal numbers – such as when you weigh items (produce/meats) or sell in bulk (grains/teas) is now integrated into our application so that all enhancements are available to those using the decimal feature.
Under the Hood
A few updates have been made to make our life easier:
All domains are now automatically mapped to be mobile enabled
The Auto Enrollment settings are now configured for easy modification
Numbered and signed lithograph